The following event may be of interest to our members. The next Fueller’s Advantage is being held on Tuesday 28 May 2024 at the National Liberal Club when Dr Mike Bluck, Director of Imperial College's Centre for Nuclear Engineering will speak on "Small Modular Nuclear Reactors: Hope or Hype?". All Fuellers and their guests are invited to attend for what should be an interesting and informative evening.
To book a place, please visit
There is renewed global interest in nuclear power, particularly as a result of energy security concerns arising as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) are thought by many to be the answer to the challenges in the deployment of nuclear power. If successful they could play a key role in decarbonisation, providing reliable low-carbon electricity and heat, in support of intermittent renewables. There are more than 50 designs globally, but all remain just that – designs. What are they, when will we see them, and will they be able to solve the nuclear industry’s problems? The UK has shortlisted six SMR designs, and a competition is underway. In this talk I will summarise the technologies, explain what ‘modular’ really means and what is needed from Government, industry and finance to realise this potential?
Mike Bluck is Director of the Centre for Nuclear Engineering at Imperial College, coordinating nuclear research, teaching and outreach, including the provision of advice to Government, Parliament, and industry across the whole spectrum of nuclear related issues. He is also the Director of the Rolls-Royce Nuclear University Technology Centre (UTC) supporting research for both the nuclear submarine and new Small-Modular Reactor (SMR) programmes. He has specific expertise in nuclear reactor design through the application of advanced computational methods to both nuclear fission and fusion engineering.
£23 per person.
Booking is done via the National Liberal Club's website for which you will first need to register for a Guest Account. You will then be able to register and pay.
If you experience any problems then please contact their events team on 02079680919 and they will be able to assist you.
1800 Registration, light buffet
1845 Introductions
1850 Dr Mike Bluck: “Small Modular Nuclear Reactors: Hope or Hype?”
2000 Cash Bar drinks reception and further discussion
2200 Close
National Liberal Club, 1 Whitehall Place, London SW1A 2HE
Simons Parsons, Fuellers Liveryman