
Benefits of hts Membership include

  • involvement in the UK heat transfer community
  • free attendance at Forums which keep you abreast of the latest developments - counts to CPD
  • early advice on new employment opportunities


The annual membership is £15.  New Members pay an additional joining fee of £15.

Existing Members are responsible for ensuring their regular payment which is due on 1 January.  You are notified each year when your fee is due.  If you pay by cheque, please send your cheque promptly to the treasurer.  If you pay by standing order, please ensure that your standing order mandate is up to date and for the right amount (£15) rather than for some lower fee which may have applied when you joined.  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to obtain the Standing order form.

If you are applying for Membership, you should send the Membership Application Form and a cheque for £15 to a committee member.

You can download the Membership application form as Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file Download 20_Member_App_Form (27 kb).

For all membership enquires, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Tax status

Your subscriptions can be claimed against tax. The number you should quote is SAPP/T1644/31/1995/JEM


New members receive a free hts tie (red or blue), or a red scarf.

hts red and blue tieshts red scarf