Barry Crittenden graduated with BSc and PhD in Chemical Engineering at the University of Birmingham before joining the UK AEA in 1971. Appointed to a Lectureship in Chemical Engineering at the fledgling
University of Bath in 1973, Barry has remained there to the present day during which time he has been seconded to Kellogg to build his expertise in process design and heat transfer. Succeeding to the Chair of Chemical Engineering in 1991, he became Head of School from
1993 to 1997 and Head of Department from 2004 to 2007. His teaching interests span process design, advanced separation processes and environmental management whilst his research interests lie in heat exchanger fouling and activated carbon monoliths for environmental protection. Barry admits that after nearly 40 years of research he still has not found a solution to the crude oil fouling. Barry sits on the Royal Society’s Brian Mercer Awards Committee for Innovation, is a Fellow of the IChemE, the Higher Education Academy and the Royal Academy of Engineering. He is a Chartered Engineer and a Licentiate of the Royal Photographic Society.